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Meet the Board of Trustees

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Gateway Arch

This article was originally published in our spring 2024 newsletter, View 630'.

This past year, the Foundation welcomed three new members and a new Chair and Vice Chair.

Gateway Arch Park Foundation is honored to have 16 esteemed members of our Board of Trustees. This diverse group of St. Louis professionals and philanthropists represent the broad spectrum of industries in St. Louis from financial services to technology, energy to media, and beyond. Each member helps to provide strategic direction, oversight, and governance to carry out the mission of our work. Through their leadership, expertise, and commitment, the Board of Trustees plays a vital role in driving positive change, fostering collaboration, and shaping the future of Gateway Arch National Park and downtown St. Louis. While some Trustees have been on the Board since its inception in 2018, others joined as recently as November of 2023. Welcome to our newest Board members!

Laura Ellenhorn

Principal + Head of Community Impact at Edward Jones

Chair of the Gateway Arch Park Foundation Board of Trustees

As principal of External Affairs at Edward Jones, Laura Ellenhorn helps create infrastructure, strategy, and systems focused on advancing Edward Jones’ purpose to partner for positive impact and to improve the lives of its clients and colleagues, together bettering communities and society. She also leads the Edward Jones Foundation and serves on the St. Louis Anchor Action Network, focused on inclusive economic growth and workforce development in 22 zip codes facing high poverty rates. In addition to her role with Gateway Arch Park Foundation, she serves on the boards for the United Way of Greater St. Louis, Great Rivers Greenway, and the St. Louis Art Museum. She has been the Board Chair of Gateway Arch Park Foundation since 2023.

When did you join the Board of Trustees?

I joined the Board at the end of 2019, which was pretty unique because we all know what happened shortly after that. With the world shut down, I didn’t think I’d have an opportunity to bond with Board members or learn much about the organization right away, but nothing could have been further from the truth. I was able to develop strong relationships because we stayed in close contact. We saw each other’s faces on Zoom. I got to know not just Board members, but the incredible staff, too. And, I had the opportunity to see the magnificent spaces with no one else around. I still remember hearing the echo in the Old Courthouse rotunda, standing at a distance from my tour guide. It was special, but I wouldn’t trade the silence for the sounds I get to hear when I visit the Arch, the Courthouse, and the park today—kids running and laughing, students talking about the history that was made there, visitors in awe of the sheer magnitude of the Arch. It’s all quite breathtaking.

What do you enjoy most about Gateway Arch National Park?

I love that the museum is so tactile. There are a lot of sensory experiences so you’re learning about the history through sound, sight, and touch. And then there’s the park itself. It’s so grand and honestly surprising for a lot of people to see this gorgeous green space with big, beautiful steps that lead right down to the mighty Mississippi River. You can sense the power of the river and the structure of the Arch itself. It’s unlike any other park in the world.

What inspires you about the work of the Foundation?

I’m inspired by so much of what Gateway Arch Park Foundation does, but for me, it really comes down to two things: one is seeing what has been possible thanks to the impactful partnerships we’re able to form. And these are real, active partnerships—not just in name only. With the National Park Service, we get to hear their needs, they hear ours, and we mutually advocate for each other. With the City, we create value through creative solutions to public safety and by hosting inclusive events that bring people downtown. With Greater St. Louis, Inc. we drive economic development. With public officials, we help the state of Missouri show up in a way that lifts the City and the entire state. These partnerships yield real value for downtown, the region, and the state. These are partnerships with a purpose. The other part that is so inspiring is the engagement I see from the Board and the organization’s supporters. Everyone has their reasons for getting involved. For some, it’s the family memories. For others, it was the experience they got as a student to travel to the Arch thanks to the Journey Fund, or it’s about what the Arch grounds mean for downtown. The staff are also so committed, so enthusiastic. It’s not just the place that makes this work special, it’s also the people.

What do you hope to accomplish as Board Chair?

The Courthouse renovations are a massive undertaking. It’s really exciting work because we are preserving a cornerstone of our history. The Arch and surrounding park are gorgeous, but both are relatively new. The Old Courthouse stands as a monument to our past and a bridge to our future. You can feel the power of the building that housed more than 300 freedom suits. I can’t wait to bring people back once renovations are complete to see new exhibits and most importantly to experience the whole building now that it will be accessible to all. It will be a real gift that we’re giving to St. Louis and the state of Missouri. To celebrate the good and recognize the realities of our rich and dynamic history. To bring to life all the stories of people who came before and honor their contributions to our community and country.

Jim Lally

President & CEO, Enterprise Financial Services Corp

Vice Chair of the Gateway Arch Park Foundation Board of Trustees

Jim Lally, a native of St. Louis, serves on the Wallis Companies Board, St. Louis Aquarium Foundation Board, Gateway Arch Park Foundation Board, Regional Business Council Board and Executive Committee, and Saint Louis University Board of Trustees. After serving on the Gateway Arch Park Foundation Board of Trustees for the last two years, he moved into a leadership role as the organization’s Vice Chair.

What initially drew you to join the Board of Trustees?

I wanted to be part of the story of Downtown St. Louis. The Arch and its surrounding grounds play a huge role in that. Once I decided Gateway Arch Park Foundation would be a good place to focus that energy, I had an opportunity to meet the Board and the staff and I was blown away by their commitment, their influence, and their intelligence. It was an opportunity to join a high-functioning organization contributing to our region, while simultaneously learning from everyone in the room. It was a win-winwin. At Enterprise Bank & Trust, we prioritize giving back to our communities because we know that when our communities thrive, we thrive. And what says “St. Louis community” more than the Arch?

As a lifelong St. Louisan, do you have a favorite memory of the Arch?

I have so many it’s hard to choose! The Arch was built in the late ‘60s, the same time I was born. So I can’t remember a time in St. Louis without it. My memories of the Arch mirror the phases of my life. As a kid, I vividly remember how in awe I was of the structure. The fact that we got to go up in it was so unique. I have such fond family memories from that time. As a teenager, I got to go to some of the best concerts in the shadow of the Arch at Fair St. Louis. As a parent, my kids would be so excited to see who spotted the Arch first on the way home from a road trip—it still brings a smile to my face. More recently, SLU hosted its 200th anniversary with a beautiful mass and celebration under the Arch. It was a magnificent afternoon. That’s what’s so special about the Arch. It’s a symbol for our city, but everyone has their own deeply personal memories attached to it.

What inspires you about the work of the Foundation?

Gateway Arch Park Foundation creates the opportunity to celebrate the magnificent history of our region, but at the same time it is also working for today and for the future. It’s inspiring to think about the courage and resilience of the early settlers and what they had to do to expand Westward. The Arch represents that. And, at the same time, it’s exciting to see the community activities the Foundation hosts under the Arch that are accessible to all. The Arch also represents that openness and welcoming feeling. I love the dual nature of the mission to both honor the past and build for the future.

What do you think is the biggest opportunity for Gateway Arch Park Foundation?

I’m excited about working with the Foundation to continue tapping into the community’s love for the Arch and the grounds. I’d love to see more and more St. Louisans come downtown to experience the Gateway Arch more regularly. Come down for Arch Bark, Blues at the Arch, or Sunrise Yoga, but also go for a walk on a spring day at lunchtime or take the kids to the museum for your next “staycation.” Let’s own our monument.

Introducing our Newest Trustees

Kitty McDonnell 

Originally from St. Louis, Kitty and her family returned to St. Louis after many years living in the Bay Area where she worked for Backroads, Inc., one of the world’s leading active travel companies. Today, Kitty serves as 2nd Vice Chair on the Board of the James S. McDonnell Foundation and sits on the Board of the Muny in addition to her Board work with Gateway Arch Park Foundation. She holds a B.A. in International Relations from Bucknell University in Lewisburg, PA.

“I love that Gateway Arch Park Foundation not only beautifies the area in and around the Arch, but it also brings the community together—whether it be to visit the Arch itself, learn the history of St. Louis, listen to blues, have a picnic, go for a winter skate, or just get some fresh air with a beautiful view. It’s a symbol for our region and one we should be proud of.”

Tim Fagan

Tim is a Partner at Ernst & Young LLP where he has worked for nearly 25 years. He holds a B.S.B.A. in Accounting from St. Louis University, is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), and is a member of the Missouri Society of CPAs and the AICPA. In addition to his work on the Board of Gateway Arch Park Foundation, Tim serves on the Board of Directors for Character Plus and on the Development Board for Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital.

“I wanted to join the Board of Gateway Arch Park Foundation so that I could take an active role in ensuring the Arch and its grounds continue to be a sought-after destination for both local St. Louisans as well as out-of-town visitors.”

Matt Villa

Matt is the Chief Operating Officer for Villa Lighting Supply, Inc. Matt served as 11th Ward Alderman of the City of St. Louis from 1997-2011. A native St. Louisan, Villa has a B.S. degree in Business Administration from St. Louis University. Matt’s board and volunteer experiences include St. Louis County Children’s Service Fund, St. Louis Public Library and its Foundation, CBC High School, the Mission Continues, and Construction Career Development Initiative.

“Gateway Arch Park Foundation is a major catalyst for helping St. Louis maintain downtown momentum. When you ask people from all over the world what they know about St. Louis, the Gateway Arch is the common answer. Not only has the organization revamped and delivered a world-class renovation and expansion of the museum, park, and visitor center, but the renovation work at the Old Courthouse will improve and preserve the historic landmark for generations to come.”